“The Tushino Thieves”1

On July 05, 2003, Moscow was shaken by a deliberate act of terrorism: two female suicide- bombers blew themselves up near the main entrance to the fenced-in Tushino airfield where the Krylya rock festival was taking place. According to officials 13 people lost their lives and 59 got wounded. It was possible to avoid the incident’s catastrophic scale because security, having suspected these women, did not let them into the main crowd of the festival’s participants.

It is widely known that the “Family” criminal group by the name of the former p-resident of Russia, Boris Yeltsin had intensions of removing Putin from power for a long time now. Terrorist attacks facilitate such a goal by causing instability and intensity in society, provoking panic-stricken people to support extreme shifts like revolution or to vote for “necessary” candidates to enter the State Duma.

Another piece of evidence that calls for attention is the “right” crucial timing of the attack similar to the timing of taking hostages in a Concert Hall of the State Bearing Factory during a musical “Nord-Ost” in October 23-25, 2002.

At that point in time the attack happened precisely when the State Office of Public Prosecutor instigated a criminal case on the ground of theft from the state reserves for 786 tons of gold. During the investigation it was established that there were high state officials involved who were also included in the “Family” criminal group. Preceding “Nord-Ost” terror act murder of Magadan Governor V.Tsvetkov had become another “link” in this chain of crimes.

Following the pattern, recent attacks in Moscow have taken place when the “Family” problems had risen again with the head of MENATEP, P.Lebedev and a number of executives of a major Oil Company YUKOS getting arrested for the crimes committed during the Privatization time, while the owners of YUOKOS Khodarkovsky and Nevzelin were interrogated in the State Office of Public Prosecutor.

Seems to be quite an apparent pattern …

According to the newspaper “Life” ¹ 142 (26) July, 5, 2003 the group of three oligarchs Khodarkovsky, Freedman and Abramovich “has made a mutual political bargain in order to achieve at all costs total control over the State Duma’s Lower Chamber. With this purpose in mind oligarchs have raised about one-milliard dollars in order to bribe EACH of deputies of the future State Duma assembly regardless of their political favors, whether they are with the ‘Unified Russia’, SPS, Dmeocratic party or the Communist Party of the Russian Federation”.

P.S. Right after it was announced about Tuchino air-field terror acts, the following news displayed Khodarkovsky’s interview in which he either implied that the State Prosecutor released MENATEPS’s chapter executive-president P. Lebedev as soon as possible and offered him apologies, or stated that he had no doubt in such outcome of the events.

1 Thief: the swindler, the idler, the deceiver; the traitor; the robber; Otrep’ev Grigory, Ivan Kain and others referred to as thieves. || Nowadays: a secret predator; || false, crafty person. — according to The Explanatory Dictionary of Lively Russian Language by Vladimir Dal

Otrep’ev Grigory Bogdanovich — the impostor who was given out for the son of tsar Ivan IV the Terrible; — False Dmitriy I.

“The Tushino thief”, — a nickname given to impostor False Dmitriy II, after the name of village Tushino, an administrative residence where False Dmitriy II was living in 1608-1610, whence he unsuccessfully tried to overthrow the capital’s power, yet was compelled to flee to Kaluga where in 1610 he was killed.